So we are still in Nashville, getting pretty boring now, I want to play a show. A bunch of us got tattoos yesterday, and my leg is a little sore. I cut the crap out of myself shaving with the razor, not good at all. The thing kept bleeding for almost two hours, but I'm healing up just fine today. Memphis tomorrow, finally a show. I get to sleep in my own bed monday, can't wait to be back home.
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Nashville, TN
So we are still in Nashville, getting pretty boring now, I want to play a show. A bunch of us got tattoos yesterday, and my leg is a little sore. I cut the crap out of myself shaving with the razor, not good at all. The thing kept bleeding for almost two hours, but I'm healing up just fine today. Memphis tomorrow, finally a show. I get to sleep in my own bed monday, can't wait to be back home.
Monday, April 18, 2005
Nashville, TN
So we have three days off and we decided to spend it in good ol' Nashville. Last night we had a barbeque with our friends in Yellow Second and the Merienthal sisters. Tonight we had a barbeque with our friend Sam from Bleach, he's one of the best people in the entire world, I always leave feeling real happy after we hang out with him. I had the idea to get another tattoo tomorrow, so I shaved my leg, and it is gross. Men should never shave their legs, especially if they haven't seen the sun in over four years. I can't even look at it, it is so damn gross. I hope they can fit me in tomorrow, or I'm going to have a bald leg for the next five months, because my hair does not grow very fast. My brother made the drawing for me and he tells me my mom is not happy about it. I made the decision to get a picture of Leatherface and Ash (Bruce Campbell) fighting. I love both of those characters and thought why not put them together? Well, my mom doesn't like the idea of me getting horror movie characters permanently affixed to me, she'll get over it someday.
Friday, April 15, 2005
Plymouth, MI
So much to write about, so many thoughts coming out at once. I'll try to start from the beginning. We arrived in Nashville last sunday, checked in to our fancy looking hotel only to find that the internet advertised cost $10 a day to use, so we were internetless for the week. I'll get to the good stuff. Monday was the day of the Country Music Awards, and I was excited for some reason. I've been caught watching CMT on more than one occasion, but I didn't think I would be excited when I spotted Montgomery Gentry or someone of the same stature, but I was star-struck the entire day. I got to see Big and Rich soundcheck, but missed their set, I saw the Low Cash- Cowboys try to hype up the crowd, they were jackasses, but it was still neat to see them. The most exciting star spotting was that of Lynryd Skynyrd walking through our hotel doors as I was walking in, I was speechless. I can't remeber much else off the top of my head, except Chris and I got free tattoos from a place in Nashville, our booking agent told us all bands booked by him get free tattoos at this place anytime we come through town, so I'm going to take big advantage of that deal. We drove 11 hours today to get to Michigan to play a show that we were told was going to suck really bad. So we go into the show knowing it's going to be awkward, it was for some youth rally at a church. The show was a little odd, but it was the most fun we've all had in a while, there six hundred or so kids, and you could make them go crazy. We were throwing shirts and cds out to them, and they were insane, we also made a good little bit of money and they put us up in the Hiltin Garden Inn, not too bad for a few hours' work. We're playing the University of Wisconson tomorrow, easy drive, time for a shower.
Sunday, April 10, 2005
I almost forgot what being on tour was like, it's been over six months since we last went out, but it seems a lot more fun this time around. We started off in Salt Lake City, which is a nice little drive from Chico. The show was a lot fun, we were all nervous for some reason, but everything went off without a hitch. Night number two was in a little town called Greeley in Colorado, again a nice little drive for us, but it was only eight hours this time, the first drive was about twelve hours. The show was pretty crappy, especially for being on a Friday night, but it was fun none the less. Today we were supposed to play in Kansas, which was a ten hour drive, so we planned ahead, got up early, actually left on time, but there was no way we were making it to the show, so we called and cancelled, the guy was bummed, but at least he can keep his money. Instead of going to the show we decided to drive straight through to Nashville, we're going on twelve hours in the van, but it's been some good fun. So far we've seen a lot rest areas, the outside of the OZ Museum, it was closed, some buffalo and some other less interesting things. I pissed off a whole store full of people when I decided to run my hand over the two dozen large wind chimes they had, they were very unhappy. I roads here are probably the worst thing in the world, especially since I'm trying to type while we're driving. They should fix this shit. I got invited to a party in Nashville that is being out on by a tattoo shop, and they said free tattoos for band members, I'll keep my fingers crossed that I can actually get a real tattoo and not some four leaf clover or a sailor's anchor. Almost Kansas City, then we get to eat Fazzoli's, which is the best and least expensive Italian food ever known to man, I've been waiting months for the food out here. Waffle House, Chick- Fil- A, Cracker Barrel, Fazzoli's and so many truck stops with great food, I can't wait. It's too damn bumpy to type anymore. One last thing, my phone got turned back on, so I can communicate with the outside world.
Saturday, April 09, 2005
Denver, CO
Not much time to post much of anything, it's 8:30am, i went to bed at 5:30 and need to drive over ten hours to the next show that is happening tonight, but everything is great so far. I'm alive, I have no cell phone still, so I keep to myself, and the IHOP I had before bed isn't sitting too well. Off to Kansas. I'm trying to find a picture and the computer is going slower than anything ever.
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Bye Chico
So I'm leaving Chico for tour in about four hours, and I'm getting more excited by the minute. It's been over six months since I've last toured, so I'm ready to go. We play Salt Lake City tomorrow, then Colorado, then Kansas, then Nashville, and then some other places, I'll list them later, and then write about each place, maybe. More exciting things to come.
Friday, April 01, 2005
today, not all too good.
So most of today was horrible. I woke up to find that my phone was shut off due to my dumbass not paying the bill on time, shitty, then to top it all off, the airport card I ordered for my computer was undeliverable to me for some god awful reason, so it is being sent back to New Jersey, which means I probably won't get it before I leave for tour, super shitty. So I have no way to stay in contact with people, at all. On the plus side, I drove to Stcktone today to get a new bass head, and the guy ended up giving me a new cabinet also, so I am a little happier, until the reality that all the other shit went wrong sets in. I am kind of pissed off though, and I so badly want to be mad at the post office, but they didn't so anything wrong, and I have to be nice and civil to the guy I bought the airport card from so he will send it back to me, even though I paid for two day shipping, it's going to take over a week for me to get it. Dammit, it's frustrating to even think about it.
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