Starting this morning I had to switch over to living a real life for a while. Not saying my life before was not real, it was just more of a fantasy/ dream that I was living. Now the band is on a large break, so it was time to make money, hence getting a job. I was ready for the 9-5 grind, but it's become a little more than that, something like 7- 5(or 8) it's different everyday. It will be nice getting the paycheck though. I think since my last post pretty much anything bad happened that could (short of someone dying). We could start with last weekend, Jeff lost his voice, a show was cancelled in Hollywood, fast forward to Wednesday night, we're driving to San Jose, the last show before Thanksgiving and home. The van breaks down, bad. Oil is pouring out everywhere and to add to matters, we happened to run over an open pocket knife the same time our engine block cracks, so we have oil and a hissing/ flattening tire to deal with. We miss the show, make it home early in the morning, my Thanksgiving dinner was pretty much the crappiest one I 've had in years. The next day was my birthday, not much fun there either. We played an early afternoon show in Roseville, the plus to this, besides waking up at 8am, was eating the new Chick- Fil- A in Roseville. That night we went to a party in Chico, Ben and I broke up a fight between some underage bros, dumbass kids getting the cops called to someone else's home. Everything else lately has been going by so fast, I'm exhausted at 8pm, it's my bedtime now, work and sleep. I got asked to judge a battle of the bands Friday night, so I have that to look forward to, I'm actually pretty excited for it, I'll just keep my fingers crossed that not all of the bands are horrible. I'm currently compiling my tour stories in my new journal, that, by the way, was one of the best birthday presents I've gotten in a long time, so those should be up in the near future.