So here's a little story for ya'll (I learned that out here). Some friends and I were out at a bar/ restaurant last week,it was a monday night and things weren't really that crazy around town, except for the bar we were at. Not so much even the whole bar, just at the actual bar. Some rowdy college type girls decided it was a great night for tequilia body shots. It was funny to watch from a distance, someone laying on the bar with their shirt up having her friend lick salt off her and eating limes out of her mouth. We all sat back and laughed, nothing out too out of the ordinary, then the cops show up. And totally block our view. They weren't there to lay down the hurt, they seemed (one in particular) to be there to lay down some pipe. This one cop got pretty involved, not taking shots, but gawking over these girls. He was so close to them it was ridiculous. And now the clencher. At one point he leans over and kisses the girl on the bar. Not a peck but a full on open mouthed kiss. I thought it was weird, my friends did too, but I guess they do things a little bit differently out here. Now you may think that is obsurd, but then there's this.
#2: hey Peter can u talk to TP guys about me getting them a machine to try out for the rest of the Paramore tour?
8:10 PM
Peter Sellers: do you make custom ones?
#2: I will flying out to Bamboozle this weekend. If their open to the idea I can get the band set-up with a machine starting at Bamboozle to be used for the 10 remaining dates of the Paramore / Almost tour.
#2: I'm so confident it will increase the bands sales that you'll never play a show without it.
#2: what do u mean by custom?
#2: Nurit 8000 GPRS.jpg
#2: this is what they would be getting
Peter Sellers: we really dont get any requests for credit cards though
8:15 PM
Peter Sellers: if we can have it for the rest of the tour for free, then we will keep it
#2: do you honestly expect kids to ask when only 2% of bands accept credit/debit cards
Peter Sellers: if it works out
Peter Sellers: yeah i do, because the one or two kids per show that only have a card do ask
Peter Sellers: but theres usually an atm in the venue
#2: all I know is all my bands with machines are selling more then the ones without
#2: If at the end of the tour it's something that you still feel hasen't increased sales then you can just mail it back to me & only pay the :
$100 Application Fee
$10 Service Fee
#2: Cutie Is What We Aim For has a machine & so do most all the other FBR bands. 9 out of 10 kids 16 or older have a debit and/or credit card
Peter Sellers: they dont want to pay anything. and they want you to pay for shipping
Peter Sellers: cute didnt use it on tour with tp
Peter Sellers: well he had it, but didnt really use it
#2: they got right after
Peter Sellers: they had a credit card machine when they were on tour with this providence last month
#2: I've never offered anyone this offer before
8:20 PM
#2: if they want to try what I'm offering then the offer stands
#2: the only person that will be missing out is them if they don't want to try. they have nothing to lose becasue they'll do at least $500 on the machine at Bamboozle
Peter Sellers: no they wont
#2: kids spend more by making impulse decisions with credit/debit cards at a bands table vs. going to the ATM to take $20 out to spend on any of the bands on the tour. I would only say half the venues if that have ATMs
Peter Sellers: well im in the venues every day and i see the atm's. were playing big venues, and they have atm's about 80% of the time
8:25 PM
#2: then tell me why bands like Bayside & Straylight Run r doing $600 a night on their machines playing the same size venues but the other bands their touring with aren't
#2: that's an extra $18,000 a month
Peter Sellers: how many of the kids are using their cards instead of cash though?
Peter Sellers: david just invented his own credit card machine anyway. the davinator3000
#2: The average transaction size of all my bands on their machines is $32 in comparison the $10 a kid would spend with cash.
#2: all the bands say kids spend more when they use their cards
#2: it helped NOG out in a big way & that was 4 yrs ago
Peter Sellers: they hardly had for any time at all
#2: actually they had it for a yr
#2: anyways the offer is there. there is no one that would loan a $1000 machine to a band to try out without a contract
Peter Sellers: well we have the davinator3000 anyway
Peter Sellers: thanks though
Peter Sellers: see ya
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Some of you may know who the second party is, and if you do this probably makes you laugh. It really just fuels me and my dislike for the unmentioned second party.