I had this urge to listen to Randy Newman the other night. I don't know why, so I acquired a few of his records, and they're not half bad. I don't think my parents ever listened to him, but his songs have this thing about them that makes me really comfortable, like they were used to put me in a good mood when I was a cranky little child, but I'm almost positive his music would never been heard in my parent's house.
Take a listen for yourself, he's got a myspace, crazy huh? He's got an interesting way of writing, his vocal delivery is almost comical, especially with so many tv show impressions in the back of my mind.
And on another note, not a sweet sounding as a Randy Newman song, but still great, what the Kerney, you've gone the way of my brother's live journal. And by that I mean I'm tired of you not updating your shit. Computer or not, get it done. I know you have some important thoughts to share with everyone. Thanks in advance.