So much has been happening this past week, not real things, just little happenings. I'll try to start at the beginning.
I moved out of my house, then took a nice eighteen hour train ride to L.A., slept for four hours and went on an eighteen hour van ride to Denver, CO. The next few days went by in a strange kind of blur, and before I knew it we were in Reno, NV, the home of Vegas style living done in a very half- assed way. I'm not much of a gambler so I just watched (almost) everyone else lose their money. Our tour manager made some money, but he's the only one. My time in Reno was spent walking around casinos and eating, they have some great steak dinner deals at many places, and I took full advantage of the deals. Then it was on to S.F. I stayed at my lovely friend's house after the show and went exploring in the city by myself the next day. I took some buses around and got to experience the thrill of being yelled at by a foreign old lady for sitting in a vacant seat, I'm still not sure why she was so pissed at me. Some of the guys came up to get me and we ended up at a nice little jazz club and then got lost trying to find a good spot to look at the ocean, but ended up in an even better spot, it was the best end to a night in San Francisco ever. The there was L.A., nothing too interesting there. Phoenix was sort of exciting. We went to an ASU party, those kids are all pretty much idiots, and they like to prove it. Example. I get yelled at not to fuck up this dude's bathroom, while I was waiting in line, I yell back that I'm not some jackass friend of his that goes around breaking shit in bathrooms for the hell of it. He was a dick, I can't fully explain the situation, I'll just say he was out of line yelling at me, so proceeded to throw cigarette butts in his pool for the rest of the night. Saturday night was spent in San Diego, the show was great, over 2,000 people attended, lots of fun. They had a lot of security there patrolling the area for thugs, but they seemed to spend most of their time harassing the bands. This was the highlight of my entire week; We're sitting on a stairwell talking, two security guys come up and immediately ask for our id's, no hi, how you doing, nothing, just straight to the id's. We get them out, he looks at mine, starts bending and twisting it, then turns to me and says "This is an identification card". I say "yeah, that what you asked for". He then looks at the card again and says "You were born in 1981 and don't have a driver's license?" At this point I should have told the guy to go fuck himself, but I just said yes and told us not to hang out around where we were at, which was actually right outside our dressing room. I was little steamed after this, but what really pissed me off was the fact that there were random kids casually coming into the dressing rooms after bands were done and no security was to be found during any of this. A little frustrating. I also had a craving to watch Escape From Alcatraz after my San Francisco visit, which was filled late Sunday night, that is a fantastic movie, go rent it.
fucking finally fucker
yea what he said.
dude, i already heard all of this stuff...
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