One of the best things in my life right now is.... VH1 Classic. It's amazing. Where can I see Damn Yankees in concert or watch back to back Nelson, Hall & Oates, Police, Will Smith, LL Cool J and Foreigner videos? Nowhere except on VH1 Classic. I also watch the history channel quite a bit. But something that threw me off was the "This day in History" segment yesterday. They never have those but yesterday in some year before there was hippies, lsd was invented, who gives a shit. Way to ruin a nice day of Modern Marvels and talk about acid and show hippies walking around tripping out. Well, I thought it was lame. I also have officially gotten myself lost three times now, and I mean driving in the country not having a clue which spotted brown cow was the one I was supposd to remember from the last time I was in the area. The worst of the three I eneded up about 18 miles outside of the city, I've been looking at maps for the past few days just trying to figure out how that happened. With the 18 milies I was out of town, plus the 25 I was away from my house to start with, that is quite a distance, I don't even think I was in the general Nashville area.
have you seen the planet earth documentary series on Discovery Channel? now thats what i call LEGIT!
watch it...get caught back up with the real world.
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