Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Morraly Shady.

I would like to give this kid two big thumbs up. He really hit home with me here, I have finally seen the light. No, not really. I've had a hard time stomaching these kinds of people for years, even when they were paying for my rent and *gasp* my cigarettes. I'm glad nowadays I don't have to use confused, christian people's money to purchase my morally illegal vices. Oh wait, I guess they still pay my bills. Just please pray that this kid gets a clue and maybe lives life a little before calling out people. I was going to post his myspace here, he pissed me off that much, but that might a little too much. If it bothered you that much it takes about 5 seconds of searching.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

don't worry, i punched this kid in the nuts. well in my dreams atleast.
