Yesterday was an exciting one. Anyone ever heard of Michael Freestone? No, me either. But I met him yesterday, and he was the strangest person ever. So here's how it goes. We're out in front of the studio talking, Jeff, Aaron and myself. This guy dressed in all black, leather biker boots, slicked back German looking hairdo starts talking to Jeff and Aaron, and before I know it, he's in the control room and we're listening to his CD. Now, his CD was complete crap, it had some good qualities to it, but it was so 80's it was unbelieveable. The best part is all of, Aaron, and the studio assistant, Austin, were all in the room trying not to laugh, because this guy would bust out and start singing along to his album, he even sang a few lines to Jeff, hand outstretched looking for a compliment. Jordan had to keep leaving the room because he was laughing too much. Finally Aaron tells Mr. Freestone we have to get to work and he'll get back to him. The guy leaves and we all are in shock as to what we just witnessed. Aaron tells us the guy thinks Tooth and Nail would be a good fit for hi, and they need open up and take a chance on an artist like him. So we decided to call his "manager", this 60+ year old british woman, I'm pretty sure she's drunk all the time. Aaron could make the call without laughing, so Jeff called on his behalf. We got the conversation on tape, I'll try to put up a clip sometime. This lady , Gillian Welch, was supposed to be Justin Timberlake's manager, she denied that and said she was best friends with his mom. I can't remember the details of the conversation, but it lasted for over ten minutes, the woman wouldn't let Jeff off the phone. Crazy people. And to top it off, Michael came back later that day to drop off another CD, I think it got thrown in the trash.
We got a lot of work done in between us screwing around. Two more songs almost finished, we start tracking drums next week, Tuesday or Wednesday. After our long work day, we took a trip down to the the Cha Cha. I heard it's the place to see your favorite Seattle bands, and was it ever. Besides all the bros trying to be indie emo kids, there were the scene kids, who all have bands, and then there are the real musicians. Last night my real musician sighting was 3/5 of Pretty Girls Make Graves, or the important part of that band, the dude from MCD, it made me excited to be sitting next to those guys, but I couldn't find a cool way to talk to them without looking like a jackass, so I keep to myself and my friends. It's the weekend, we don't work on weekends, so we have a lot of fishing to do. More on monday.
You don't have to talk to be a jackass. You are a jackass. Tooth and Nail is supposed to be about creatively expressing positivity through music, yet still somehow manages to consistently sign unaccepting, bigoted jackasses like yourself.
You want to know who Michael Freestone is? Laugh it off, jackass.
Michael Freestone
Michael Freestone
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