Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Day 9

We've been in the studio all day. It's almost 10pm, so that's about eleven hours so far. Only drums are being tracked, but I have to remember my parts as we go along, so I guess, technically, I'm working too. Aaron just spilled water on the mixing console, it started smelling like old coffee and not working properly, oh well. Today an older lady asked me for a cigarette, but this was no ordinary lady, oh no, not down here on old Summit Avenue. At first glance she seemed pretty normal, but as she approched me I noticed all the vomit on the front of her shirt, I tried to steer clear of her, not only her body, but her stare. But she saw deep inside of me and could tell that I did not want to talk, so she talked to me, and the more I tried to go back inside, the more she pleaded for a cigarette. I finally was able to turn her down and get back to work. It was a stressful situation. As I write, the mixing console is really not doing too well. It's turning up and down all by itself, making weird noises, things keep turning on and off. He says it will dry off and fix itself, we'll see. Maybe the Cha Cha tonight, I'll see what time we get done in here.

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