Mr. Gabriel Derose is one the nicest, but craziest guys ever, and he is the hero of the week. A little back story on Gabe. He is the merch guy extrodinaire, he does merch for a band called Mourning September, but when asked to work for the Eagles he couldn't pass up the chance. So he packed his bags and flew out to Tahoe to start on the Eagles' California tour. After a few days of greuling work he realized that the long hours and little pay was not worth it, so he up and left, leaving a note saying something along the lines of "I'm quitting, keep it real." He then had nowhere to go, so he decided to walk to Chico, after hours and hours (he was in Angel Camp at the time) he arrived here later that evening, he got a few rides. I was surprised as hell to see the guy come walking down my street pulling his suitcase behind him. I made some steaks, he took a shower and we hung out. With no way home Gabe was here in town for at least a few days, so we took him to the mall where there a fashion show going on. This wasn't a huge show or anything, but these models thought they were badass. Gabe decided to get in line with the models and when he was up, he grabbed a helium filled balloon, sucked it down and proceeded to do a little dance on the stage, walked off and came to sit back down. I haven't laughed that hard in my life, he was so nonchalant about the whole thing too. And to top it off, he goes to the DJ who is spinning records for the show, asks to check out his rig, and then starts to scratch the record that is the background music for the fashion show, the DJ was pretty pissed, but Gabe casually walks away and acts like nothing happened. Later that night he casually walks into Duffy's after blowing off the doorguy, Gabe is only twenty. After being found among the masses he tells the bouncer you only need to be twenty to drink in Oklahoma, but he gets kicked out anyway, left to fend for himself in downtown Chico. He left yesterday after getting a cheap plane ticket, but he is always welcome here at my house. So if you ever run into Gabe, talk to him, he's a one of a kind guy.
In other news, a local writer decided to make an example of my band and our fashion choices. Now I'm totally open to any criticism about how I dress and how I look, but this guy is an ass hat, so it kind of pisses me off. If you're in Chico, pick up this week's Synthesis and look at page 9, read the story, see what you think, I feel it is kind of unnecessary to put the comments he did, but what is even more unnecessary is his column. Just my opinion. It's hard to say what makes me so angry about this. His facts are truthful, I wear women's pants, I like them, they're comfortable, someone else in my band wears a camouflage hat, it looks good, so what's the issue? I think if kids get too large of an ego when they are 17, their heads might not make it through their early twenties, I would be careful, you could burst a blood cell in the old noggin' there, so be cautious about how badass you think you are. Enough of that, I'll get over it this afternoon.
1 comment:
Hah, I remember that thing in the synthesis. Seth is a retard.
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