Pointless Fact of the Day:
Tomatoes are seedless strawberries.
A few weeks ago, in an effort to look cool and waste my money, I decided to get my right arm tattooed. So I go to one of the shops in town I trust, expecting the artist I want to be there to plan out the tattoo. He was gone on vacation until the next week, so, being as impatient as I am, I went to another shop. I talked with the owner and the artist that would be doing the tattoo. They were very friendly people and I felt comfortable with the situation, so I made an appointment. I go in and get the outline of the thing done, I'm happy with it, it looks really good and I'm thoroughly excited about how the finished product will look. Fast forward two and half weeks to today. I go in to make another appointment for some fill in work, and I'm informed that the artist no longer works there, and the woman thinks he has moved out of town. What kind of shit luck is that? So I am a little miffed at the news and now I am stuck with the outline of what was going to be an entire sleeve of a tattoo. Now I have to suck it up and go to the original shop and tell the guy what happened and hope he can pick up on the idea of the tattoo based on what is there right now. I have faith that the guy will be able to do an excellent job, it's just getting over my pride and admitting that I'm an idiot that will be the troublesome part. Moral of the story; patience is a great thing to have, don't be an ass and get something right then and there, just wait a few days, it's well worth it. Also, don't go to Gearhead Tattoo and Barbershop, I should have known not to when I thought the name was stupid. This is an excellent learning lesson.
On a lighter note, I went to a softball game today, and I realized something, softball/ baseball players say some of the dumbest shit trying to hype each other up. At the game I heard things like; "Let's make this another 9 pitch up to bat" and "Line drive hitter, yeah?" Exactly, I didn't know what the hell he meant by this, and I don't think he knew either. I think I'm going to start playing softball and saying things like "Yoke that bat around and wind it up over there" or "Face the car around backside flip- flops." I don't know, they'll probably love my team spirit, I could probably get an award for having such a positive impact on the team.
shouldn't that be strawberries are seedless tomatoes? just making sure
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