So I made it back safely from Canada, but just barely, not really. The trip went over pretty well, besides getting over the border and back again. The drive to SF went smoothly, no problems except that we had to park our van in the international terminal, then walk all our stuff a mile to the other terminal. We flew to Seattle then connected to Edmonton, Alberta on a smaller plane. Our flight crew was pretty nice, except for this larger stewardess, she thought she was hilarious, like Rosie O' Donnell funny, she thought. The rows in the plane were about two feet wide, this woman was about three, so there was a lot of ass touching elbow action going on every time she walked by. Overall, she sucked, I didn't like her, but it was a short flight. Once in Canada we had to go through customs, which was a lot less painful than we had heard. They made us pay taxes on the merch we brought in, not too steep, and the guy let us put our guitars through the x- ray machine so we could see their insides. We got to the hotel, went to sleep and woke up early the next day to go play the show. The amphitheatre the show was at was really nice, except it was outdoors and it was ass- cold out there. We played, kids had fun, we had fun, we ate some food, hung out with geese and seagulls, even got a seagull to pick up a smoking cigarette butt, it just stood there with the thing smoking in it's mouth, I wish I had a picture of it. That night we hung out in the hotel. They had a nice bar in there, so we had a drink. There was a Russian guy in there drinking some interesting drink, we asked what it was, he said it was a Sea Shanty, it was made with Grasshopper beer, Clamato juice, lemon, salt and pepper, probably one of the best things I've ever had. We had most of the next day to hang out, but no transportation, so we spent some time at the stores across the street from us, a super shopping center, a liquor store and a cigarette/ gas station. The liquor store had a lot of nice Canadian beers, the superstore had tons of food, and the cigarette store had lots of Canadian cigarettes. They don't have normal American cigarettes there, no Camels or Marlboros, they have all these other brands that look like boxes of condoms and are all exactly the same, just different brands. They also have a law that a certain percentage of the package has to have warnings on it, so they have nice little warnings (some are pictured above). Around 2pm we left for the airport, sat in there for three hours, went through customs again, they drilled us about what our trip was about (or aboot, as they say), finally they let us pass, we got on the plane, flew home, and our trip to Canada was complete, I'll post more little details soon.
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