I was never a big believer in karma, until Monday night. A mere three hours after posting a blog that made fun of some sorry sap kid, I started to feel kind of crappy. Not the kind of crappy you feel when you make fun of someone, I rarely feel that, but the kind of crappy you feel when your body shuts down. It started with a minor sore throat, then my back and legs started to ache real bad and I was feeling a little warm, so I headed home. My symptoms worsened throughout the night, my throat swelled up nice and big, my body hurt like I fell off a roof, and all the damn sweat, it wouldn't stop. So I stayed in bed all day Tuesday, shivering and sweating at the same time, not able to swallow, no appetite whatsoever. Wednesday comes around, after one of the longest nights of my life, and I visit the doctor. Now with a name like Immediate Care, I would have expected a little more immediacy when dealing with the patients, but no. The nurse kept looking at my chart, then putting it back and sitting down, but I was finally seen, and my doctor was very nice, she informed me I have tonsillitis and not strept throat, good news, and to save me money, she gave me medication samples instead of making me pay for a prescription. Last night wasn't as bad as the previous, but I was still pretty unsuccessful in getting a whole lot of sleep. I think the worst part is I can't swallow very well at all, so when I fall asleep I drool like crazy and wake up with crap everywhere, I can't wait to wash my sheets, I feel disgusting. My tonsils feel like some sort of tiny vegetable in the back of my throat, it kind of grosses me out. Took some Advil to help with the pain of eating, I'm just waiting for it kick in so I can eat, it's been a few days since I had a meal, saltines and yogurt have been holding me over for the time being, but I'm ready to move on to tougher things, like chicken soup. One last thing, court shows are some of the best stuff on t.v. if you don't have cable, and I think I'm starting to really think this.
some guy left an ad as a comment on here, who does that.
i got one too, but i LOVED it. recognition on any level is flattering i suppose...
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