I don't know what day it is, I haven't had any internet access in a while, I have a lot of e-mails to check and return, great. In the past few days I've slept in the car a lot, I went to California and back to Pittsburgh, spent some time in an aeroplane, like the one that RHCP sing about, you know the song. I slept eleven hours in the car today, after a night of not sleeping, and now that we are at our hotel it looks like I will not be sleeping at all tonight as well, I just woke up. I saw P.O.D. play Saturday night, they are good, but I don't like them, Ivory from Showbread got up on stage and sang Southtown with them, and almost got thrown off stage by their bass tech, he was pissed, we all laughed, Ivory won five bucks. My thoughts are extremely scattered. Being back in California was a huge tease, six weeks left until I get to sleep in my own bed, and turn 24, that's weird. I've been in Waffle House country for weeks, and I haven't eaten it once, what the hell? I have pretty nice beard (based on my standards) going on, except for this one patch that I can't seem to get to grow, no matter how hard I think about it filling in, someday. Ten hours to go until I leave, hopefully there's some good movies on tv tonight.
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