Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Salt Lake City, UT

Salt Lake City, UT

It’s been a few days, we’ve done some driving, actually, lots of driving, it kind of sucked last night, but I’ll get to that. We played Portland, OR Wednesday night, the show was a little weird, the sound on stage was bad and it was hard to tell if people were into us or not. I got us lost on the way there, our directions said something like take exit 1, go onto ramp, continue onto, no help at all, so me, being the navigational genius that I am drove all over the damn place trying to find the venue only to find out that it was right by where I originally brought us. None of this seems too bad, but I used to live there, so I had no excuse for getting lost. We drove overnight to Seattle. The next show was a good one. There were tons of friends, it was a good time before and after the show. The rain made the day not as nice as it should have been, but it was still good. The next day was a day off, meant for driving to Salt Lake, but we said screw that and hung out in Seattle. I got to eat some Wing Dome, go there if you are in the area, seriously, Jeff recorded some Mourning September demos in the T&N basement and we went to Guitar Center, where I was hit on by a not so attractive female employee and a male employee, all I wanted was some guitar picks. We left around midnight after a good drinking game, I don’t want to say what it was because it makes us look like loser nerds. All I can tell you is the Backstreet Boys have sold more records than Nirvana, sad. We drove overnight and ended up in the greatest place in the world (for Mormons), Salt Lake City. The show was sparsely attended, but it was a lot of fun. The venue was near an outdoor mall where we ate and people watched. This city is actually really nice; there are just some different people here. They have these orange safety flags at crosswalks that don’t have lights, so you’re supposed to hold this flag up in the air while you walk across the street and that will prevent cars from hitting you; I guess it worked since we didn’t get hit. I thought I saw the bass player from the Used painting the inside of a café that opening soon, but nobody else believed me and were all to scared to go back and look, I’m pretty sure it was him, honestly. Two kids running through the mall in their underwear while their friend videotaped brought on the excitement for the night. I thought it would be nice to give him some ice cream, so where he ran by I tossed an ice cream cone to him, I don’t think he thought I would really toss it, so he fumbled it a little, he said he was sorry for not catching it, I asked him what kind of athlete he thought he was. I want to see the tape of the whole thing. We’re now at a friend’s house getting ready to sleep, in a real bed finally. We leave at 8am for Denver.

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