These past two days have been long and stressful. In the past forty- eight hours we've driven a lot, been completely broke, popped a trailer tire, gotten charged a ton by some backwood dudes to fix it, quit a tour and rejoined within eight hours and driven some more. I won't get into too many details about us leaving the tour, I will just say that we are now back on the tour and very happy with the way things have worked out. I will try and update as much as possible about the upcoming shows. I would also love to post some pictures from the tour, but my brother forgot the usb cord for the camera, so I will have to wait to out those up.
On a lighter note, pick up a copy of the new Alternative Press this Wednesday and read my two cents worth on Myspace being sold to Fox.
1 comment:
penile extenders? there you go, trevor...
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